Practicalities for the USI community

Corporate design: templates and rules

In 2017, USI introduced a new corporate design – adherent to the Swiss school of graphic design – to address the need to position the University clearly and consistently in an increasingly competitive and globalised context.

The main elements of the new corporate design are:

  • the logotype
  • the typographic system with fillets of different width to organise the information
  • the array of colours of the Faculties
  • the Akzidenz-Grotesk® typface
  • the new iconographic style

A series of layout grids, predefined formats and materials provide increased consistency between the various products. As the new corporate design is based on very precise elements, it is therefore essential that all requests for producing graphic materials (digital or print) be submitted to USI graphic designers for professional assistance (Lugano Campus [email protected], Mendrisio Campus [email protected]). See also production of print materials). Further information on the meaning of the new corporate design concept is available at this page.

Usage rules and resources

The use of the USI logotype is exclusive. Employees of Università della Svizzera italiana are authorised to use it for work-related activities; all other persons may use it only prior to authorisation (contact: [email protected]). When the name of the University is combined with the logo, only the unique official legal name of the University is allowed: "Università della Svizzera italiana". Translations of the name are prohibited.

The success of the project depends on the proper application of the usage rules. On this page, you have the opportunity to download different versions of the logo and useful templates. For further material or requests, please contact the Graphic Design service ([email protected]).

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  • Logo

    The application of the logo is based on very precise elements, it is therefore essential that all requests for producing graphic materials be submitted to the Graphic Design service for professional assistance ([email protected], see also creation of printed material).

    A static version of the logo is available (horizontal or vertical, see below) for activities in which USI is a partner and for which the communications are managed by third parties. In any case, changing the graphic style of the logo is strictly prohibited, and the following usage rules shall apply:

    • all elements of the logo are inseparable;
    • additional images cannot be inserted in the logo;
    • proportions and fonts must be maintained;
    • the name Università della Svizzera italiana is always in Italian;
    • the colors of the logo cannot be changed;
    • the smallest diameter size of the logo allowed for web uses is 60px;
    • the smallest diameter size of the logo allowed for printed (e.g. offset) uses is 10 mm

    Guidelines for the use of the static model are available in this document.

    In special cases, the Graphic Design service ([email protected]) can provide a negative version of the logo when required for dark backgrounds.

    It also possible to complete the institutional framework of a communications activity by using also the logotype of swissuniversities, a brand that is shared by all accredited universities in Switzerland. The purpose of swissuniversities is to strengthen and extend the cooperation between Swiss academic institutions (universities, universities of applied sciences, and universities of teacher education) and their coordination throughout the country. The use of the logo must be approved by [email protected], who is also responsible for ensuring its correct application.

  • Style guide, language, titles and names

    For the purpose of achieving a harmonised editorial and typographical style, as well as consistent names in Italian and English, the following guidelines have been established and will be gradually supplemented.



    USI official language is Italian.
    English is used as the second official language, following British English rules and spelling (use “-ise” and “-yse” instead of “-ize” or “yze”, for words such as organise o analyse, or finals “-re” instead of “-er”, in words such as centre. Always write programme, unless you refer to computer program).
    Please refer to the following online dictionary:



    In a text, words should be used when writing numbers from one to ten. Numerical digits are to be used for larger numbers.
    Example: Università della Svizzera italiana is one of the 12 public universities officially recognised by the Swiss academic system, coordinated by swissuniversities.



    For dates use the following format: day (cardinal, numerical digit) – month (in letters) – year (numerical digit).

    • Italian: 1 gennaio 2019
    • English: 1 January 2019

    Ordinal numbers are used for formal documents such as diplomas and certificates: 1st January 2019

    For abbreviations of dates please use cardinal numbers as follows: 01.01.2019



    When reporting words in another language in your text, please use Italics. This typographic style is also used to stress a term.
    It does not apply to commonly used foreign words such as honoris causa, etc.



    The University promotes equal rights and opportunities. All members of the community are asked to comply with this principle when writing text. Please refer to the following guidelines (in Italian).



    Names of USI and USI Faculties:

    Italiano* English
    Università University

    Università della Svizzera italiana
    USI Università della Svizzera italiana
    La traduzione University of Lugano non può essere usata.


    L’acronimo USI va, nel limite del possibile, utilizzato solo dopo averlo introdotto in precedenza nel testo.
    In contesti nei quali l’USI è conosciuta o in caso di spazio limitato, è possibile utilizzare le denominazioni seguenti:
    USI, Lugano
    USI, Mendrisio
    USI, Bellinzona

    Università della Svizzera italiana
    USI Università della Svizzera italiana
    The translation of the official name of the institution as University of Lugano is not be used.

    The USI acronym may be used, but possibly after it has been spelt out earlier in the text.
    In contexts where USI is known, or when there is limited space, the following nomenclatures are allowed:
    USI, Lugano
    USI, Mendrisio
    USI, Bellinzona




    Accademia di architettura
    Facoltà di scienze economiche
    Facoltà di comunicazione, cultura e società*
    Facoltà di scienze informatiche
    Facoltà di scienze biomediche
    Facoltà di Teologia di Lugano (affiliata)

    Quando si utilizzano i termini Architettura, Economia, Informatica, Comunicazione, Scienze biomediche o Teologia 
    intendendo la rispettiva Facoltà, usare il maiuscolo.
    Quando si utilizzano i termini Università e Facoltà intendendo l’USI o una sua Facoltà, usare il maiuscolo.



    * dal 1 marzo 2020. Precedentemente Facoltà di scienze della comunicazione.


    Academy of Architecture
    Faculty of Economics
    Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society*
    Faculty of Informatics
    Faculty of Biomedical Sciences
    Faculty of Theology of Lugano (affiliated)

    Architecture, Economics, Communication, Biomedical Sciences, Informatics or Theology are always capitalised
    when the noun of the discipline stands for the respective Faculty.
    University and Faculty are always capital­ised when they stands for USI or for one of its Faculties.



    * from 1 March 2020. Previously Faculty of Communication Sciences



    Programmi di studio
    Certificate of Advanced Studies
    Diploma of Advanced Studies
    Master of Advanced Studies
    Programmi executive

    I titoli accademici Bachelor, Master, Dottorato, ecc, sono sempre scritti in maiuscolo.

    Study Programmes
    Certificate of Advances Studies
    Diploma of Advanced Studies
    Master of Advanced Studies
    Executive Programmes

    The titles of academic degrees Bachelor, Master, Doctorate, etc, are always capitalised.

    Figure e organi istituzionali Institutional ranks

    Rettore / Rettrice
    Prorettore vicario / Prorettrice vicaria
    Prorettore aggiunto / Prorettrice aggiunta
    Prorettore / Prorettrice
    Segretario generale / Segretaria generale
    Direttore operativo / Direttrice operativa
    Direttore operativo aggiunto / Direttrice operativa aggiunta
    Comitato di direzione
    Consiglio dell’Università
    Consiglio di Facoltà
    Consiglio dell’Accademia
    Senato accademico
    Decano / Decana 
    Vicedecano / Vicedecana
    Direttore (Accademia di architettura) / Direttrice
    Direttore (istituti ecc.) / Direttrice
    Vicedirettore / Vicedirettrice


    Corpo accademico
    Professore di ruolo / Professoressa di ruolo
    Professore ordinario / Professoressa ordinaria
    Professore straordinario / Professoressa straordinaria
    Professore assistente tenure track / Professoressa assistente tenure track
    Professore assistente / Professoressa assistente
    Professore titolare / Professoressa titolare
    Professore aggregato / Professoressa aggregata
    Docente / Docente
    Docente ospite
    Assistente con dottorato
    Assistente dottorando / Assistente dottoranda

    Corpo amministrativo
    Coordinatore / Coordinatrice
    Collaboratore / Collaboratrice

    Deputy Rector
    Adjunct Pro-Rector
    Secretary General
    Director of Operations
    Adjunct Administrative Director
    Management Committee
    University Council
    Faculty Council
    Faculty Council
    Academic Senate
    Dean (Academy of Architecture)
    Director (institutes etc.)


    Academic staff
    Tenured Professor
    Full Professor
    Associate Professor
    Tenure track Assistant Professor

    Assistant Professor
    Adjunct Professor
    Adjunct Professor
    Guest lecturer
    PhD Student

    Administrative staff

    Istituti Institutes

    Le denominazioni ufficiali degli istituti sono quelle riportate alla seguente pagina:

    The official names of the services are those given on the following page:


    Servizi Services

    ​Le denominazioni ufficiali dei servizi sono quelle riportate alla seguente pagina: 

    The official names of the services are those given on the following page: 


    Campus Ovest Lugano West Campus Lugano

    Palazzo principale
    Palazzo rosso
    Palazzo nero
    Palazzo blu
    Aula magna

    Main Building
    Red Building
    Black Building
    Blue Building
    Aula magna

    Campus Est Lugano East Campus Lugano

    Settore A, B, C, D

    Sector A, B, C, D
    Sports Hall

    Campus Mendrisio Mendrisio Campus

    Villa Argentina
    Palazzo Canavée
    Palazzo Turconi
    Teatro dell’Architettura
    Casa dell’accademia

    Villa Argentina
    Palazzo Canavée
    Palazzo Turconi
    Teatro dell’Architettura
    Casa dell’accademia

    Campus Bellinzona Bellinzona Campus

    Stabile Bios+
    Palazzo Fabrizia
    Villa Nodari
    Stabile Gallera
    Stabile Murate
    Stabile Pometta

    Bios+ Building
    Palazzo Fabrizia
    Nodari Villa
    Gallera Building
    Murate Building
    Pometta Building


    Ulteriori informazioni sui titoli e le denominazioni in ambito accademico in Svizzera, nelle tre lingue nazionali e in inglese // Link to further information on academic titles and names in Switzerland, in the three national languages and in English.


  • Stationery

    Word Templates

    A variety of templates are available to the academic and administrative staff: letterhead, agenda and minutes, short documents or documents with cover pages.
    A preview of those templates is available here (link). 

    Templates are available directly when opening Word, thus ensuring the most up-to-date version.
    The files can still be accessed from the shared folder as well:

    • within the Lugano campus network: copy and paste the address \\\dfs\USI-Documentazione e Modelli\Modelli (folders directory)
      The folder is also directly reachable from ‘This PC’ in R: disk
    • outside the Lugano campus network: through VPN USI, then access \\\dfs\USI-Documentazione e Modelli\Modelli.
      A guide for installing VPN (on Mac and PC) is available on

    A manual for using the Word templates is available here (link).

    To request new models, please contact : [email protected]

  • Mail cards for short messages

    Mail cards (A5) are available. In Lugano, they are available directly in the mailroom (West Campus, Main Building, 161). In Mendrisio, contact the reception desk.

  • Business cards

    To order business cards, please refer to the following instructions:

  • E-mail signature

    The E-mail signature available to all USI employees (see model)  can be modified to suit your needs and can be used as promotion tool for your conferences/events/news.

    The consistent use and correct application of the model enables a coherent, professional and coordinated representation of USI.

    An alternative model without image is available for internal correspondence or for plain-text emails. For external correspondence, we recommend to use mainly the model with logo.


    Template download


    The E-mail signature can be copied from the model directly to the mailbox. Create and add an email signature (tutorial)

    We remind you to check the default font of your email client and if necessary change it in Arial 10pt, black- setting for signature but also for new mail messages, replying or forwarding messages (tutorial).


    For other e-mail clients, please contact [email protected].



  • Virtual backgrounds

    USI provides a set of virtual backgrounds for online courses or meeting (for Teams, Zoom and
    The backgrounds are offered as a potential useful tool, and are not to be considered compulsory.

    Template downloads

    - within the Lugano campus network:
    copy and paste the address \\usi\dfs\USI-Documentazione e Modelli in Windows Explorer (folders directory) or Internet Explorer

    - outside the Lugano campus network:
    through (the folder "USI Documentazioni e Modelli" is visible in File Bookmarks in Home)

    - in the course #USIeLearning on iCorsi (


    Should you have any technical request, please contact [email protected]
    For online events and conferences that require further personalisation, we invite you to contact the graphic designers in advance ([email protected]).

  • Presentation templates

    Template downloads

    • within the Lugano campus network: copy and paste the address "\\\dfs\USI-Documentazione e Modelli\Modelli" (folders directory) 
      The folder is also directly reachable from ‘This PC’ in R: disk 
    • outside the Lugano campus network: through VPN USI, then access \\\dfs\USI-Documentazione e Modelli\Modelli. 
      A guide for installing VPN (on Mac and PC) is available on  

    The following models are available to academic and administrative staff members:

    • Template power point USI 16:9

    • Template power point Accademia di architettura 16:9

    • Template power point Facoltà di scienze biomediche 16:9

    • Template power point Facoltà di comunicazione, cultura e società 16:9

    • Template power point Facoltà di scienze economiche 16:9

    • Template power point Facoltà di scienze informatiche 16:9

    • Template power point Facoltà di Teologia di Lugano 16:)

    Templates in 4:3 are no longer available. In case of need, please contact [email protected] 


  • Font

    The font chosen to represent the Institution is Akzidenz-Grotesk®. This font is in line with the Swiss Graphic tradition and is, thanks to its neutral features, the perfect mean to give a common voice to the different entities. It is not affected by trends, and it can ensure stability over time. Akzidenz-Grotesk® is not a free font, therefore is not available on all devices.

    The other character that guarantees a correct visualisation in shared environments, where the use of the institutional font is not possible, is Arial. It is used on stationary, power point presentations, emails and on other materials available to the USI community for their daily use (without the help of the Graphic Design Service).

    Preview of the institutional fonts (pdf- in italian)

  • Colours

    The visual communication of USI is expressed mainly in black and white colour, an approach that enables space for iconography, which is a significant element of the new corporate graphic design, thus reinforcing the sense of unity. The chromatic coding of the Faculties has been maintained, reviving the colours to express the dynamism of the university. The prevalence of white - the sum of all colors - thus becomes a transversal and unifying element.

  • Images

    Iconographic style is essential to the visual expression of the University. A selection of high-resolution images of USI, in line with the defined iconographic style, are available for download at:


    All portrait pictures of the academic and administrative staff need to comply with quality and format styles. Professors, researchers and USI collaborators can request an institutional photo shoot at the link “update data” in the personal page on In compliance with the rules imposed by the Data Protection Law (LPD), USI reminds of the obligation for the subjects portrayed in the photographs to sign a release (document available upon request at [email protected]).

  • Diploma

    The new diploma model, introduced in October 2017, offers several distinguishing elements, both physical and digital, to guarantee its authenticity. Among others, a URL that allows the user (other universities or employers) to access a platform to verify the authenticity of the data.

  • Events material

    USI provides material designed according to the new graphic style that can be used for conferences and events (notepads, pens, lanyards, document folders).

    Samples and instructions to place your order are available at the Study Advisory and Promotion Service (Lugano) and at the Campus reception (Mendrisio).

    In the case of public events that involve video recording or photography of the public, USI reminds the organizers of the obligation to display this sign, in compliance with the rules imposed by the Data Protection Law (LPD). If you have any questions: [email protected].

  • Identification card

    The new identification card keeps the same functionalities, but with a new design.

    The first cards have been introduced in September 2017.

    The identification cards with the old layout are still valid and will not be automatically replaced.

    More details about the student’s card and its uses: and the employees' card

  • Stamp

    The USI stamp is available to administrative departments for official documents.


  • Address

    Mailing address

    • Lugano (West Campus and East Campus):

    Mailing is centralised on the main site (Via Buffi).

    Università della Svizzera italiana
    Via Buffi 13
    6900 Lugano


    • Mendrisio

    Università della Svizzera italiana
    Largo Bernasconi 2
    6850 Mendrisio


    • Bellinzona

    Università della Svizzera italiana
    Via Francesco Chiesa 5
    6500 Bellinzona


    Geographic address (directions)

    • Lugano

    West Campus
    Via Buffi 13
    6900 Lugano

    East Campus
    Via la Santa 1
    6962 Lugano-Viganello


    • Mendrisio

    Largo Bernasconi 2
    6850 Mendrisio

    • Bellinzona

      Via Francesco Chiesa 5
      6500 Bellinzona


  • FAQ

    When will the new corporate design be available?

    Starting September 18, 2017, the first elements of the new corporate design are made available to academic and administration staff members, followed by all other units and materials in due course.


    What will happen to all materials with the old design?

    In terms of sustainability, before ordering the new materials, it is recommended to use up all remaining stock of materials with the previous design (envelopes, business cards, etc).


    For any further question: [email protected]



Updated on: 27 February 2024