Informazioni pratiche per la comunità USI

Progetti FNS: criteri di ammissibilità dei proponenti

Il contenuto è disponibile solo in lingua inglese

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  • Postdocs

    Post-docs are generally not eligible to act as (co-)applicants as they do not fulfil the SNF criteria except USI guarantees their scientific independence and contract during the whole project duration.

    This will be possible only in exceptional and duly motivated cases that fulfil the criteria below:

    • The post-doc is already scientifically independent (for example having publications with other people than their group leader at USI).
    • There is a clear institutional interest to extend the employment at USI.
    • The funding of the position (minimum 50%) can be secured for the whole period, through available funds, teaching activities, etc.

    In order to clarify these issues, requests must be submitted to the Research Service at least six weeks before the call deadline accompanied by a motivation letter and by a support letter from the institute director (or group leader). Decisions will be taken by the rectorate.

  • Over 65 and Emeritus

    The retirement age for professors at USI is 70. Before retirement, professors can apply for SNSF funding provided they have an employment contract valid until the planned end of the project.

    In the project proposal applicants are requested to write a short self-declaration confirming that they will continue to be employed until 70 and correspondingly until the end of the project. They are asked to contact the Research Service for clarifying any problems.

    On the contrary, the status as emeritus professor is not enough to qualify as an eligible SNSF grant holder.

    According to USI statutes, an extension of employment beyond the 70 years can be granted only in very exceptional cases and requires a decision by the University Council. We then suggest to find other solutions (e.g. having another applicant and you as research partner).




Aggiornato al: 30 giugno 2021