Practicalities for the USI community

USI students mobility: organizational aspects

The preparation for a period of study abroad requires a considerable amount of time and effort, as there are no ready-made exchanges available in any of our partner universities. When organising a semester abroad, it is important to examine all possibilities and to begin planning it early, preferably a year before the expected departure date. Students should consider the period of preparation as an important part of their studies and use it to develop their organisational skills. To get the best out of an exchange semester, students should reflect on a number of organizational aspects, such as where to study, in which semester, which courses they are required to take, evaluate the financial aspects, and consider carefully the language competences needed for studying in the host country.

This page contains all useful information for the organization of a study abroad period: from the application to the nomination, from the enrollment at the partner university to the end of exchange procedures. 

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  • 5 reasons to board one of USI’s mobility programmes

    Discover the main 5 reasons to board one of USI’s mobility programmes managed by the International Relations and Study Abroad Service.

  • Sources of information

    Preparing for a study abroad requires considerable time and effort on your part. There are no ready-made exchanges available in any of our partner universities. When you organize a semester abroad, it is important to examine all possibilities and to begin planning it early, preferably a year before your date of departure. Consider this as an important part of your studies and use it to develop your organizational skills. To get the best out of an exchange semester you should ask yourself where you would like to study, during which semester, which courses you must take, if you can finance your trip and stay abroad, and if your language proficiency is sufficient for studying in the host country. Students have the following sources of information to get acquainted with the mobility programmes and the procedures:

    Information sessions
    Each year, the International Relations and Study Abroad Service organizes an information session for USI students interested in undertaking a study abroad experience. The purpose of the session is to provide useful information to organize an exchange: the presentation of the different types of exchange programs, the partner universities, enrollment procedures, admission requirements, financial aspects, and much more. In 2023 the information sessions will take place on the following dates and times:

    • Lugano Campus
      INF (Bachelor + Master), information session in English, 12 November 2024, 12:40 - 13:20, room C1.05 East Campus.
      Master COM+ECO, information session in English: 13 November 2024, 12:40 - 13:20, Auditorium West Campus
      Bachelor COM+ECO, information session in Italian: 14 November 2024, 12:40 - 13:20, Auditorium West Campus
    • Mendrisio Campus
      Information session in Italian/English: 13 November 2024, 12:30 - 13:20, TAM-1

    Link to presentation 2023: Information session PPT (English)
    Link to video recording 2023: (English)

    Experience reports
    Written by former USI students who spent a period of study at a different university. Reports may be accessed on our website with your USI credentials.

    5 reasons for a study abroad experience
    A short video on why we believe a study experience abroad will further enrich your study curriculum and help you grow as a person.

    Individual meetings
    Starting in November, the International Relations and Study Abroad Service offers individual and personalized meetings in the following days:

    Lugano: Wednesdays and Fridays
    Mendrisio: Monday to Friday

    You may fix your appointment at the following link: We will be happy to assist you in organizing your study abroad experience.

  • Admission criteria

    Admission criteria to exchange programmes

    In order to apply for a mobility programme you must:

    • be duly registered in a degree programme at Universita della Svizzera italiana;
    • be in good academic standing (average above 6.0 and number of ECTS in line with the envisaged study plan at USI);
    • possess a B2 certificate in the study language at the host university;
    • Academiy of Architecture: please consult the mobility guidelines for specific admission criteria.

    For the host university 

    • Comply with the minimum language requirements of the host university. Please consult the next chapter for additional information;
    • Comply with minimum GPA or other requirements, if requested; 

    Minimum requirements to be able to leave

    • Bachelor: must have successfully completed all the first-year examinations by the end of the second year of study; 
    • Master: must have obtained 39 ECTS. 
    • Academy of Architecture: please consult the mobility guidelines for specific requirements.

    Students interested in an exchange are strongly encouraged to consult the regulations/guidelines for mobility of the respective faculties (see next chapters). 

  • Proof of foreign language proficiency


    • By “foreign language” we mean the language in which the student intends to follow the courses and sit the exams at the partner university;
    • By “proof” we mean all types of certificates that may attest to the level of language proficiency;
    • Academy of Architecture: proof of foreign language proficiency is mandatory only if the partner university requests it. Therefore, it must not be submitted at the time of application;
    • Lugano Campus: proof of foreign language proficiency is mandatory and must be submitted at the time of application. It is the student's responsibility to register for a language exam in due time. No exceptions will be made. 

    The language certificate has the following purposes:

    Lugano Campus only

    1. It is an internal requirement to be able to participate in the mobility
      Thanks to this, USI ensures that students who take part in an exchange have sufficient linguistic skills in the language of instruction of the destination university to be able to attend courses and sit exams. The minimum level required is a B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:
    2. It is one of the internal selection criteria
      A score is assigned to the different language levels according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. This score is one of the ranking factors for assigning destinations. Please note that if you choose a university where an official language certificate is not mandatory and, therefore, you do not submit a language certificate with your application, the points give to the language competence will be 0. Therefore, it is anyway useful to hold a proof of language.  

    Lugano and Mendrisio Campuses

    1. It can be requested by the host university
      Each university sets its own minimum language requirements. Proof of knowledge of the foreign language can be requested in various forms. Some examples (non-exhaustive list):
    • It may be sufficient that the study programme at the home university is taught entirely in English;
    • The language exam taken internally at USI can be accepted;
    • It may be necessary to present an official language certificate (IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge, Goethe, etc.);
    • A minimum score within the official language certificate may also be requested (eg: IELTS 6.5 with no sub-score lower than 6.0). In some cases, the language certificate should not be older than 2 years.

    Additional useful information (Lugano and Mendrisio Campuses)

    • Opportunities offered at USI for language courses and certificates: we remind you that Università della Svizzera italiana organises English, French, German and Italian language courses for students enrolled in the academic programmes offered by USI and for employees and academic staff. The Università della Svizzera italiana is the official seat of the international certifications PLIDA, IELTS and Goethe-Zertifikat:
    • Native speakers: students whose native language is the language of study at the host university can upload a document certifying it (identity document, proof of studies in the target language, word document with self-declaration, etc.)
    • The best way to find information on the language requirements of the partner university of your interest is to consult the fact sheets of the partner universities. The fact sheets can be found on the following page, in the "more information" link next to the university name:
    • For additional information: [email protected].
  • Application procedure, selection and deadlines

    Please note that only one application per semester is allowed.

    Application procedure Lugano Campus

    The application is done via Mobility Online. A dedicated section with additional information and the link to the online registration form is available here: The information and documents to be provided are:

    1. Language certificates: please read the helpboxes carefully in Mobility Online;
    2. Motivation letter in the language of study at the host university (the template to be used is available in Mobility Online);
    3. Learning Agreement (completed directly in Mobility Online).

    Selection process Lugano Campus

    Students may indicate up to two destinations in order of preference. The selection is based on a ranking calculated directly by Mobility Online and takes into consideration the weighted average grade, the ECTS obtained, and the language certificate. The selection process takes place once a year in March for both Autumn and Spring semesters. It is however still possible for students of the Lugano campus to apply in September for the Spring semesters, choosing among the universities where free places are still available. It is strongly recommended to apply at the January deadline. Students who are not selected for their first choice still compete for their second choice. Students without an allocated destination will be contacted after the selection to discuss alternative solutions. In this document, the selection criteria are outlined and further explained: Additional information about the selection criteria.

    Application procedure Mendrisio Campus

    The application is done via Mobility Online. A dedicated section with additional information and the link to the online registration form is available here: The information and documents to be provided are:

    1. Motivation letter (the template to be used is available in Mobility Online);
    2. Portfolio format A4 with the projects of the bachelor programme in pdf version only and max 30MB;
    3. English certificates, if available.

    Selection process Mendrisio Campus

    Students may indicate up to five destinations in order of preference. The selection is based on a ranking calculated directly by Mobility Online and takes into consideration the weighted average grade. The selection process takes place once a year in March for both Autumn and Spring semesters.

    Internal application deadlines

    Mendrisio Campus
    13 January 2025, 23.59 hrs for the following Academic Year.

    Lugano Campus
    13 January 2025, 23.59 hrs for the following Autumn Semester
    22 September 2024, 23.59 hrs for the Spring Semester 2025 (the deadline for Spring 2026 will be updated in October 2024)

    Late applications will not be considered.

  • Nomination, registration at the partner university and other useful information


    All selected students will be officially nominated to the partner universities by USI’s International Relations and Study Abroad Service within their give deadlines.

    Regiatration at the partner university

    All students will then be contacted directly by the coordinator of the host university with all the details related to the exchange. It is the student’s own responsibility to follow all instructions and meet all deadlines of the host university regarding university enrolment, courses registration, health insurance, and accommodation. Please note that each university has its own procedures and timing. The International Relations and Study Abroad Service cannot be held responsible in the event of the student's failure to complete the application or late submission of the documents. 

    Acceptance by the partner university

    Although formal review of applications and minimum requirements is conducted at USI, it is within the rights of the partner university to accept or reject the application. While such occurrences are very rare, we advise against booking travel and accommodations before receiving acceptance confirmation from the partner university. From that point onwards, it is up to each student to organize their departure and manage any additional administrative requirements. Most universities send their information package directly to students (typically in June or July for the autumn semester and in December or January for the spring semester).


    Housing opportunities vary from one university to another. Typically, useful information (types of accommodation, application procedures, deadlines, costs, etc.) is included in the information package. In this case as well, it is advisable to follow their guidelines and respect the deadlines, especially in cities known for their competitive housing markets. If relying on real estate agencies, intermediaries, websites, or any other channel not managed by the partner university, it is recommended to exercise utmost caution in reading the rental contract and its clauses to avoid unexpected costs.

    Language courses

    Most universities organise free-of-charge (or at a reduced fee) language courses before the start of the semester. Interested students are advised to contact the International Office of the partner university to learn more about the application.

    Cancellation policy

    Cancellation of a study abroad semester is possible only for serious reasons such as illness or other important personal causes and an official request must be submitted in writing to the International Relations Service as soon as possible.

    Double enrolment and change of destination

    It is not possible to enrol in two partner universities or take courses at USI and at the partner university at the same time. It is also not possible to change the exchange destination once you are enrolled. Please choose your destination wisely and with care.

  • Financial aspects

    USI enrolment and financial aspects

    You must maintain your enrolment status at USI during the exchange term. If you undertake a mobility semester recognized as part of the criteria for obtaining a degree (Bachelor or Master) you are granted a 50% reduction in the USI semester tuition fee.
    FTL students: please contact the Student Administration office for additional information about the tuition fee while in exchange.

    All of the USI exchange agreements are based on a bilateral agreements to waive payment of tuition at the partner university for nominated students. You are however responsible for all other costs related to your semester abroad. Bear in mind that even though you have been selected for a tuition-free exchange, there may be other fees you might have to pay at the host university: administration fees, activity fees, library fee etc.

    Please refer to the website for financial aid possibilities:

  • Faculty regulations for mobility

    Length of the exchange

    Bachelor in Architecture: maximum two semesters
    Bachelor in Communication: maximum one semester, maximum 30 ECTS transferrable
    Bachelor in Economics: maximum two semesters, maximum 60 ECTS transferrable
    Bachelor in Informatics: maximum two semesters, maximum 60 ECTS transferrable
    Master (all faculties): maximum one semester, maximum 30 ECTS transferrable. Exchanges at master level are not possible at the Academy of Architecture.

    Guidelines and regulations of the faculties:

    All students remain matriculated at USI while on exchange.

  • Permit, visa and health insurance

    In the table, Permit, visa and health insurance procedures for USI outgoing students, you will find relevant information concerning the bureaucratic procedures you will be asked to complete in order to do an exchange at another university.
    Please note that the information refers to current regulations and procedures established by the competent authorities at cantonal and national level and may therefore be subject to change.

  • Pre-departure checklist

    Checklist of things to do before leaving

    Once you have obtained all information from the host university (beginning of semester, accommodation, welcome activities, etc), the student can start planning the departure.

    Before leaving Switzerland, you need the following:

    • A valid ID card or Passport;
    • The European Health Insurance Card which entitles the bearer to medical assistance during the stay in an EU/EEA member states or to buy appropriate private health insurance cover in the event this is required by the host country;
    • The matriculation certificate and/or the confirmation of participation in the exchange programme, downloadable from Mobility Online;
    • Two passport-sized photographs;
    • Contact details of the International Office at the host institution.

    If you visit a country outside the European community for study purposes, you must also:

    • Make sure you hold a valid travel document;
    • Apply for the appropriate student visa for that country;
    • Make sure that you have a valid health insurance in accordance to the country's regulations.

    You are advised to be properly informed about the legislation in force in the host country. To do so, you may refer to the International Office of the host university.

  • Arrival at the host destination

    Orientation programmes at the host university

    Most universities organise mandatory orientation programmes for guest students prior to the beginning of the Semester. Nominated exchange students are expected to arrive at the host university on time for orientation and the start of the courses. For some destinations, the arrival date is set for July or August. In this case, registration for the retake session in September at USI is not possible. A late arrival at the partner university is not allowed!

    University of San Gallen

    mandatory Orientation Programme takes place prior to each semester. Students who do not attend will not be accepted in the exchange programme. No exceptions will be made.

    Your responsibility as an USI ambassador

    Exchange students take on an important responsibility as USI ambassadors. By generating interest for USI at the host university, students will help ensure the viability of the exchange agreements. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in mobility events such as the International Fair. USI’s International Relations Service will be glad to send promotional material, updated catalogues, exchange students handbooks and brochures.

  • End of stay

    USI exchange students are required to complete the following procedures, no later than one month after the end of the exchange:

    1. End of study report
    Each student must write an "End of study report" on their experience abroad, directly in Mobility Online. Reports are published on the Responsive Portal as an important source of information for future exchange students;

    2. Exchange survey
    Students must also fill in the quantitative evaluation survey in Mobility Online;

    3. Learning Agreement
    The Final version of the Learning Agreement must be uploaded in Mobility Online, duly signed by the three parties (student, USI, partner university);

    4. Certificate of attendance
    SEMP and international exchange students must submit the certificate of attendance duly filled and signed by the International Office of the host university, indicating the exact dates of the start and end of classes. 

  • Recognition of exams and ECTS credits

    It should be noted that each partner university has its own official procedures and timelines for issuing documentation for the recognition of exams taken abroad. Upon reception, the exam certificate must be uploaded to Mobility Online for necessary verifications. Only afterward will it be transmitted to the Student Administration for the recognition of exams and the corresponding ECTS credits.

    Credits cannot be earned just by simply attending a semester or two at a partner university. The value of a study semester away from the home institution is measured or quantified by formal course evaluation (grades) and related credits earned on the basis of passing examinations or evaluation of written work (e.g. dissertation, term paper, project).

    Conditions for the acceptance of exam certificates by USI

    • The exam certificate displays a QR code or a link to verify its authenticity. USI accepts this certificate even if sent by the student.
    • The certificate does not have a QR code or verification link: the certificate is accepted only if sent by the International Office of the partner university to [email protected].
    • The certificate does not have a QR code or verification link but the university sends it only to the student. Please forward it to us at [email protected] and we will verify it.

    Conditions for credit transfer

    • Credits obtained from master’s level courses by bachelor’s students can be recognized with prior approval.
    • Credit obtained from bachelor’s level courses by master’s students are not recognized. An exception is made for fourth-year bachelor’s courses in countries where the bachelor’s degree lasts this long, subject to approval.
    • Only passed exams are recognized and recorded in GESTU in the student's study plan, subject to approval.
    • The number of credits transferred corresponds to the number of credits allocated to the courses at the partner university and not to their corresponding number at USI. For example, if the course ‘A’ at the partner university grants 4 credits and replaces a 6-credit course ‘B’ at USI, and if the exam is passed, 4 credits will be transferred to the USI transcript (not 6).
    • Grades from exams taken during exchange programs do not count towards the overall GPA.
    • At the Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society, the grades are converted to the USI scale; in other faculties, the grade is recorded as "pass" on the transcript.
    • Students on exchange in a country outside the ECTS area can consult the conversion table of credits outside the ECTS system to determine the workload and the necessary ECTS credits for the semester completion; if a lower number of credits is obtained, the credits will be validated proportionally.
    • Academy of Architecture: The transfer of credits is decided by the Mobility Commission.
  • Maximise your experience abroad: Study Abroad Impact Lab @ UCSC

    Starting in 2023, the International Relations and Study Abroad Service has established a new partnership with Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan) for a programme that will be of value to those preparing to go on an exchange: the Study Abroad Impact Lab, an extracurricular course with the aim of helping students maximise their experience abroad and acquire those skills recognised by many employers.

    Details of the 2024 edition

    to be announced


    Programme fee
    EUR 250: EUR 50 is covered by the student, EUR 200 is sponsored by USI's International Relations and Study Abroad Service. Travel costs are to be covered by the participant. 

    Places available

    Registration deadline and procedure
    7 June 2024. Registration via email at [email protected].

    This year the following courses are scheduled:

    • personal branding and self- introduction, elevator's pitch, self-reputation, CV and LinkedIn profile
    • theatrical training to improve/finetune body language, eye contact, gestures, presentation skills
    • internship&stage deep dive, questions and curiosities about Italian companies and international ones for recruitment policies
    • workplace scenario in a global perspective: challenges and barriers, post pandemic situation and hybrid work expectations
    • specific company focus with a guest or with a company visit or both

    Click here to download the description of course contents and goals and the bios of the speakers.

    The academic coordinator, Stefania Vitulli, is a communication consultant and journalist. She is an adjunct professor of Business Communication, Advertising Management and Corporate Communication at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan. She is research fellow at LabCom, UCSC, and professor and Senior Tutor at the Master in Corporate Communication, UCSC. Her research fields at the moment are sustainability, corporate reputation, CEO branding. She is the author of articles and academic papers on green communication and ecoluxury






Updated on: 17 July 2024