Practicalities for the USI community

USI students' exchange: Mobility Online

Mobility Online is one of the most widely used mobility management tools. Starting from January 2022, Università della Svizzera italiana will equip itself with this tool for the management of incoming and outgoing mobility for study or internship purposes.

Mobility Online provides all the information, documentation and procedures to be performed from the time of registration until the return from the mobility period. Most of the administrative procedures related to mobility are therefore carried out within Mobility Online. On this page, you will find further useful information and supporting documentation for the correct use of the platform.


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  • Online registration form - how to log in

    The link to apply for a study exchange in the academic year 2024-2025 is as follows:
    LINK ONLINE FORM (applications closed on 11 February. The next call will open after mid-August). 

    Please note the following:

    • Login is done using your SWITCH edu-ID credentials.
    • Only one application per semester is allowed.
    • Once you have logged in for the first time, you access the registration form, which must be completed in all its parts (mandatory fields are marked with a *). Once you click on "send application", the system will send a confirmation email ("Confirmation of registration"). From now on, the personal link to access the platform is the one indicated at the bottom of the email. The login continues to be carried out with the SWITCH edu-ID credentials.
    • To proceed, simply click on Login. You do not have to change the number that appears in the field Login. At this point, you return to the page where the SWITCH edu-ID credentials must be entered.

    Download guidelines.

    Exchange as a Freemover 

    Students interested in spending an exchange period at a university with which USI does not have a bilateral agreement are kindly requested not to use the link to the online form but to contact the International Relations and Study Abroad Service in order to receive the appropriate link for registering for this programme.

  • The Work Flow

    Once the procedure is completed, a Work Flow is automatically generated. The Work Flow is a step-by-step procedure to be followed and all the steps must be performed in order to proceed with the process.

    Each time a step is completed, a green tick appears. The steps can be completed by the candidate (upload of documents, confirmations, completion of information) or by the International Relations and Study Abroad Service (verification of uploaded documentation, confirmation email, selection result, etc.). If a step is informative only or can be executed more than once, no green tick appears and the checkbox remains black.

    Documents can be uploaded at different times but must be provided within the registration deadline!

    Download guidelines.

  • Learning Agreement: important information and user manual

    The Learning Agreement is a fundamental document that USI students must prepare as an integral part of their exchange period. It confirms the acceptance of the courses followed at the partner university and, consequently, guarantees the recognition of the exams taken in exchange.

    The management of the Learning Agreement can be different depending on the Faculty and the study programme. The International Relations and Study Abroad Service has therefore prepared two documents useful to complete the Learning Agreement (in Mobility Online via digital module) in the correct way:

    • Learning Agreement User Manual: you do not need to read the entire document, but please read carefully the chapter concerning the study programme you are enrolled in. The document has been drawn up in Italian or in English for the study programmes taught in one or the other language respectively.
    • Fields for Learning Agreement: a factsheet with all the fields that need to completed with instructions on how to complete them correctly. 

    Wrongly filled Learning Agreements will be rejected. ECTS obtained with exams that were not pre-approved will not be transferred.

    We remind you that ECTS points earned with language courses will not be transferred. Only bachelor students at the Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society can discuss a possible (yet not guaranteed) transfer of some specific language course credits with the director of studies.

    To prepare the Learning Agreement it is strongly recommended to consult the factsheet of the partner university, to access the correct course catalogue (some universities offer only a selection of courses to incoming students, and not the entire catalogue) and collect additional useful information (limited access to courses, pre-requisites, course allocation methods, etc). Course approval is not guaranteed until confirmation from the partner university. The Learning Agreement is therefore a document subject to change and is made of two parts: Learning Agreement Before (a study plan proposal) and Learning Agreement Final (with or without additional Changes). Students in exchange have time until one month from the beginning of the exchange to submit the Final version. 

    Work load

    In general, the number of credits corresponds with the semester/full year at USI (30/60 ECTS) or to the equivalent of a full-time program of one semester at the host institution. Some universities set a minimum workload that students must respect. This information is usually indicated in the factsheets. 

    Useful document (provided within Mobility Online as well)

    Learning Agreement: user manual

    Fields for Learning Agreement

  • Signatories of the Learning Agreement ("Departmental Coordinators")

    The Departmental Coordinators are responsible for approving the Learning Agreement. In order to proceed, they receive an automatic email directly from Mobility Online when a Learning Agreement is ready to be checked. There is therefore no need for the candidate to make direct contact, but in the case of specific questions about courses or exams when compiling the Learning Agreement, the candidate can refer to the following coordinators:


    Academy of Architecture  
    Bachelor in Architecture Mr. Stefano Bastianelli
    Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society  
    Bachelor in Communication Deborah Barcella
    Bachelor in Lingua, letteratura e civiltà italiana Prof. Silvia Cariati
    Master in Communication, Management and Health Ms. Teresa Cafaro
    Master in Corporate Communication Dr. Alessandra Zamparini (Ms. Chiara Krüsi)
    Master in Lingua, letteratura e civiltà italiana Prof. Marco Maggi
    Master in Marketing and Transformative Economy Dr. Ksenia Silchenko (Ms. Chiara Krüsi)
    Master in Media Management Dr. Antonio Nucci
    Master in Philosophy Dr. Paolo Gigli
    Faculty of Economics  
    Bachelor in Economics Prof. Edoardo Beretta
    Master in Economics Prof. Patricia Funk
    Master in Finance Ms. Katia Mué
    Master in International Tourism Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni
    Master in Management Ms. Chiara Krüsi
    Master in Public Management and Policy Prof. Marco Meneguzzo
    Faculty of Informatics  
    Bachelor in Informatics Prof. Laura Pozzi
    Master in Artificial Intelligence Dr. Piotr Didyk
    Master in Computational Science Prof. Ernst-Jan Camiel Wit/Prof. Olaf Schenk
    Master in Financial Technology & Computing Prof. Marc Langheinrich
    Master in Informatics Prof. Kai Hormann
    Master in Management & Informatics Prof. Marc Langheinrich
    Master in Software and Data Engineering Prof. Cesare Pautasso/Prof. Gabriele Bavota
    Faculty of Theology  
    Bachelor in Philosophy Dr. Paolo Gigli
    Master in Philosophy Dr. Paolo Giglia


  • Questions and support

    For questions or in case of problems with the platform, please send an email to [email protected].




Updated on: 11 July 2024