Practicalities for the USI community

Change password

The following procedure will update your USI password. This password is used in the following contexts: for accessing your PC, email, and Microsoft 365 services (e.g., Teams).
Please refer to the following page for edu-ID password change.

I want to change my password and I know the current one.

1. Open the following link
2. Login by entering your USI credentials (e.g. username(at)
3. Enter your current password
4. Enter the new password twice
5. Confirm with Submit.

I forgot my password and I have Multi-Factor Authenticator activated.

To perform this procedure you must have activated the Multi-Factor Authenticator or 2FA: link

1. Log in to the following site and press "Can't access your account?".
2. Press "Work or school account".
3. Enter your username(at) and the characters in the image.
4. Choose the method by which you want to be contacted among those proposed.
5. Type the new password twice.
6. If the password has been changed successfully, a validation message will be displayed.
7. In addition to the above message, it will be sent an email to the USI mailbox with the corresponding notification.

I forgot my password but I don't have the Multi-Factor Authenticator.

Please contact the IT Support Desk.

Minimum requirements for the new password.

  • Length of at least 10 characters
  • At least 1 capital letter from A to Z
  • At least 1 lowercase letter from a to z
  • At least one digit from 0 to 9
  • At least one special character, if applicable (e.g. ~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/ )
  • Minimum duration of 1 day (at least 24 hours must pass between one password change and another)
  • It must not contain any personal information, such as your first and last name or your username

Do you own a mobile device?

Remember to update your password for example in your email client, printer authentication, VPN and wifi access.
If you have an Apple computer, remember to update your password in your keychain.

Other useful links

Configuring SMS for the Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) Activation: guide

Configuring APP for the Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) Activation: guide





Updated on: 27 February 2024