Practicalities for the USI community

Examinations Com: registration and withdrawal

Students can register for examinations of the Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society online at

Access to the platform is through your edu-ID.


The registration form consists of two sections:

  • core courses;
  • elective courses.

The core courses mirror the student’s study plan, while the list of elective courses comprises a series of courses (including courses run by the other Faculties) from which he or she can choose. The lists show only the courses for which an examination is scheduled in the session concerned.

If a student would like to register for the examination for a course that is not listed, this should be communicated immediately by e-mail to [email protected].

A registration confirmation e-mail will be sent for each examination for which a student has registered: for instance, when registering for seven examinations, the student will receive seven separate e-mails. If the confirmation e-mails have not arrived within 24 hours, the problem should be communicated immediately by e-mail to [email protected].


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  • Registration period and closing dates

    It is possible to register for examinations only within the registration periods stated in the Faculty examination schedule.

    No registrations will be accepted after the closing date in any circumstances.

    The opening and closing dates of the registration periods are also communicated by e-mail from the Dean’s Office.

  • Terms and conditions

    The terms and conditions set out in the Study Regulations shall apply.

  • Technical queries

    In the event of technical problems or inability to connect with the registration system, the student is requested to contact [email protected] by e-mail before the end of the registration period, listing the examinations to be taken.

    Late registrations will not be accepted.

  • Withdrawal

    A candidate may withdraw from an examination up to five days before the date scheduled for the examination.

    Withdrawal must be notified online at or in writing (by post, fax or e-mail) to the Faculty Secretariat. The date of withdrawal is taken to be the date of notification of withdrawal on the platform, or the date of the postmark or the electronic transmission. In this case, the registration is treated as if it had never been made (see Study Regulations).

    We wish to remind students that a candidate who fails to attend an examination or does not complete an examination without a valid reason is considered to have failed that examination (see Study Regulations).

  • Leveling courses

    Students required to take exams for leveling courses should not register via the platform but should communicate this in an e-mail to [email protected].




Updated on: 03 August 2021