Practicalities for the USI community

Leave of absence for Bachelor and Master students

Bachelor and Master's students may obtain a leave of absence, for one or more semesters, in the event of maternity, military or civil service, severe illness or other difficulties acknowledged as significant obstacles to the regular course of studies. The leave of absence has a suspensive effect on the binding terms for exams and graduation.  

Students on leave of absence remain matriculated, and will continue to benefit from the status of student by paying a reduced tuition fee of CHF 100 per semester, according to the USI Regulations for admissions and enrollment. During the leave of absence students are not allowed to attend courses, take exams, or defend a Master thesis; they can however take exams of courses attended prior to the leave of absence.

To apply for a leave of absence, students should contact the Dean’s Office / Faculty secretariat (contacts: Arc, Com, Eco, Inf), who will provide information of the relevant procedure and documentation.

Note: the purpose of this article is to provide general information and it is therefore not legally binding. For full details, please refer to the text of the official Faculty regulations.




Updated on: 23 July 2024