Practicalities for the USI community

Language courses for external users

The Laboratory of modern languages is the language center of the Università della Svizzera italiana. For external users, the service offers preparation courses for the IELTS B2 certification in English, Goethe C1 in German, and DELF B2 in French. The courses aim to prepare participants for the exams.


Course mode and fee schedule

Course Period Entry Level Where Duration Time When Fee
English. IELTS B2 preparatory course Intensive (pre-semester) B2.2 Lugano Campus 60 lesson hours 09:00 - 15:00, from Monday to Friday

From 03.02.2025 to 14.02.2025

CHF 1'500

German. Goethe-Zertifikat QCER C1 preparatory course

Semester time C1.1* Lugano Campus 28 lesson hours + 28 self-study hours Every Wednesday, 17.30 - 19.00

From 19.02.2025 to 28.05.2025

CHF 850

French. DELF QCER B2 preparatory course

Semester time B2.2 Lugano Campus 28 lesson hours + 28 self-study hours Every Wednesday, 17.30 - 19.00 From 19.02.2025 to 28.05.2025 CHF 850

* It is strongly recommended to have fully reached the C1.1 level of German in order to access the preparatory course and follow the lessons without particular difficulties. Therefore, we recommend to take a placement test before enrolling: German Placement Test, C1.


The course descriptions are published in the accordions at the bottom of this page.

Payment Methods

The invoice will be sent by mail to the address provided during the online registration. The total amount must be paid before the start of the course via bank or postal transfer. A copy of the payment confirmation must be brought to class and shown to the teacher on the first day of class. For further information, please contact [email protected]



Online enrolment to be filled out

A confirmation email with the information, such as room number, will be sent to the participants a few days before the course begins.


Courses lecturers

English B2/C1: Louise Bostock

German C1: Claudia Moor

French B2: Anne Criblez


Exam Centers

  • Università della Svizzera italiana - GOETHE-INSTITUT Svizzera italiana Exam Center

The Università della Svizzera italiana is an official Goethe-Institut Exam Center for the italian speaking part of Switzerland. Goethe-Institut exams are globally recognized as certifications of German language proficiency. Both USI members and external users can take the exams for a fee.

  • Università della Svizzera italiana - IELTS Exam Center

The Università della Svizzera italiana is an official IELTS Registration Partner. The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is one of the world’s most popular tests for certifying English language proficiency. The IELTS certification is recognized by over 10,000 organizations worldwide, including the Università della Svizzera italiana. Both USI members and external users can take the exams for a fee. There are 30 available spots for each proposed exam date.

  • Bellinzona - DELF DALF GRIGIONI E TICINO Exam Center

There are six official levels of proficiency certified by the DELF (Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française) and DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française) diplomas, which assess mastery of the French language. The DELF DALF Grigioni e Ticino Exam Center is located in Bellinzona. For more information:

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  • Preparing for IELTS B2-C1

    Course Description

    Preparing for IELTS is a 60-hour intensive course for students wishing to take the IELTS Academic test. It is aimed at levels B2 and C1.

    The course is aimed at students who need certification in the English language for a variety of purposes:​

    • For job opportunities and internships
    • For entry to a university course or exchange programme taught in English
    • To satisfy USI’s language requirement
    • For entry to a university course taught in English
    • To satisfy work permit or residency requirements (exact details should be sought from the immigration service of the country in question).



    The objectives of the course are:

    • To familiarise students with the tasks required in the IELTS Academic test for both B2 (5.5) and C1 (7.0) levels and equip them with the strategies they need to address them with confidence.
    • To give students the opportunity to study, acquire and practise the language required for each of the four language domains: reading, writing, listening and speaking.


    Teaching mode

    This course is taught in person over the course of 10 days. Students are expected to build up their own body of notes and vocabulary and spend time outside the classroom committing new language to memory.


    Learning methods

    Teaching is informed by the themes typically seen in the test, e.g.: urban & rural life, health & fitness, art & architecture, finance & business, history, technology, media and culture. We will study the many and various tasks that may appear in each part of the test, come to an understanding of the expectations of the examiners and practise strategies for each one.

    The coursebook that has been chosen as a basis for this intensive course is Cambridge’s Mindset for IELTS.


    Examination information

    USI offers the possibility of taking the IELTS examination in person on several dates throughout the year. See In addition, local centres offer the exam more frequently. IELTS is a public exam and therefore not covered by students’ tuition fees.



    Mindset for IELTS, Level 2, Students’ book with Updated Digital Pack, March 2023


  • Preparing for Goethe QCER C1

    The Goethe-Zertifikat C1 is internationally recognized. It certifies advanced knowledge of the German language, providing significant advantages in the job market in German-speaking countries such as Switzerland (german part) or Germany. The Goethe-Zertifikat C1 is also recognized as an admission requirement for studies at German-speaking universities. The exam consists of four modules that can be taken individually or all together. The course effectively prepares candidates for the Goethe-Zertifikat C1 exam.

    To successfully pass the exam, candidates must possess sufficient language skills at the C1 level. It doesn’t matter if these skills were acquired through a language course or in other circumstances. The course offers a selective review of grammatical structures that can be adapted to the candidates' needs. First-hand information is provided on the following points:

    • exam rules
    • procedure and exact structure of the exam sections
    • important strategies for taking the exam
    • recurring topics and semantic fields


    Course Access: It is strongly recommended to have fully reached the C1.2 level of German in order to access the preparatory course and follow the lessons without too many difficulties. Therefore, we encourage to take a placement test before enrolling: Placement Test C1.

    Exam format: There will be exam simulations for all four modules.

    Teaching method: 28 in-person lessons

    Bibliographic references: Gerbes, Kramel, Stahl (2023): Prüfung Express Goethe-Zertifikat C1, Hueber Verlag, ISBN 978-3-19-711651-8

    In case of specific questions regarding the exam contact USI's Goethe Institut Centre.

  • Preparing for DELF QCER B2


    Corso di Lingua francese B2 in preparazione all’esame DELF B2.



    Il corso di Lingua francese B2 ha come obiettivo la preparazione all’esame Delf B2 (sostenibile a Bellinzona in marzo, giugno o novembre). Il corso integra il consolidamento del livello B2 con l’esercitazione su esempi d’esame e conoscenza della strategia delle prove.
    Argomenti e relativo lessico: in funzione dei requisiti B2 Delf.
    Grammatica: tempi del passato, congiunzioni temporali, congiuntivo, causa, fine, conseguenza, concessione, opposizione, i futuri, le ipotesi, comparativo e superlativo, livelli di lingua, discorso indiretto al passato.


    Modalità di insegnamento

    Il corso si svolgerà in modalità settimanale, due ore (di 45 minuti ciascuna), in orario pomeridiano/serale, in presenza, per un totale di 28 ore, completate da studio individuale a casa, circa 1-2 ore settimanali.
    Si richiede una frequenza regolare e attiva pari al 75% della durata del corso.


    Impostazione pedagogico-didattica

    Verrà privilegiato un approccio di tipo comunicativo con il quale si svilupperanno in modo equilibrato le quattro competenze: comprensione orale e scritta ed espressione orale e scritta. Si svolgeranno delle prove in bianco e delle interrogazioni d’esercizio.


    Modalità d’esame

    L’obiettivo del corso è l’ottenimento del diploma Delf B2. L’esame si svolge presso un Centro Delf-Dalf ed è indipendente dall’USI.

    Riferimenti bibliografici

    Gauthier, Parodi, Vallacco, Grammaire Savoir-Delf, A1/B2, Edizioni Cideb, ISBN 978-8-853-01243-2
    Disponibile anche in PDF
    Materiale supplementare fornito dall’insegnante.


Updated on: 09 October 2024