Informazioni pratiche per la comunità USI

Piano degli studi Master in Cyber-Physical and Embedded Systems (MCPES)

Il piano degli studi (o anche "piano di studio" o "piano dei corsi") del Master in Cyber-Physical and Embedded Systems (MCPES) contiene le indicazioni sulla struttura del percorso formativo.

Il contenuto è disponibile solo in lingua inglese.


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  • Study plan 2016-2018

    This full-time programme consists of four semesters and stretches over two years.

    It allows students to gain an in-depth knowledge on cyber-physical and embedded systems from application and system design perspectives. By having 15 ECTS of electives it encourages students to personalize their study curricula according to their interests.

    The courses are taught in the mixed mode in the first semester (regular and modular) while in the second and the third semester mainly modular courses are being offered allowing students to fully immerse in the topics and end up with meaningful projects.

    The study is concluded in the fourth semester by focusing mainly on preparation and writing of master thesis. 


    Course ECTS
    First Semester  
    Digital signal processing 3
    Embedded systems architectures 3
    Introduction to CPS 3
    Microelectronics 6
    Mobile computing  6
    Physical modelling 6
    Project management and leadership 3
    Second Semester  
    Cyber-communication 6
    Digital automation 6
    CPS-Intelligence 6
    Nanosystems: devices and design 6
    Real-time systems 6
    Third Semester  
    Cyber-security 3
    Multicore Embedded Application Design 3
    Optimizing embedded applications 3
    Specification languages 6
    Master Thesis 6
    Elective Courses (9 ETCS)  
    Heterogeneous multicore architectures 3
    Machine Learning 6
    Mobile computing 6
    Reprogrammable systems 3
    Validation and verification 3
    Fourth Semester  
    Physical computing 6
    Master thesis 24




Aggiornato al: 17 gennaio 2024